'Chemical' singer Rilan -- who's also part of the Warblers on 'Glee' this season -- is watching 'Glee' every week and writing recaps of each episode exclusively for PopCrush! Below is his take on the first and second episodes of 2015. Stay tuned to PopCrush for more 'Glee' guest columns from the rising pop artist.

A double dose of delicious drama and over-the-top performances kicked off last night’s premiere of ‘Glee’s’ sixth and final season. Let’s dive in.

Episode ‘Loser Like Me’ opens with Rachel Berry getting sacked from her failed television series ‘That’s So Rachel.’ She channels her frustration in singing Alanis Morissette’s ‘Uninvited’ complete with slow motion, powerful winds, and impending tears as her Hollywood dreams die and she crawls back home to Lima, Ohio. To her dismay, she soon discovers that her dads are divorcing. Leave it to the ever-dashing Blaine to cheer her up as the two sing a beautiful rendition of ‘Suddenly Seymour’ from ‘Little Shop of Horrors.’ As the new coach of the Dalton Academy Warblers, Blaine then makes Ms. Berry smile for the first time in months as he and his Warblers perform ‘Sing’ by Ed Sheeran with dance moves galore.

Back at McKinley, the always nasty Sue Sylvester is principal. She bans all arts courses and puts an end to the New Directions. Rachel reconnects with Sam, now the school’s assistant football coach, and meets new cast member Spencer, a macho-gay, arrogant footballer who hates show choir. Former McKinley glee coach Will Schuester now directs rival show choir Vocal Adrenaline, whose performance of Van Halen’s ‘Dance the Night Away’ choreographically dazzles. Meanwhile, Kurt continues to relive his devastating breakup with Blaine, confiding in Rachel every step of the way. The two decide to recharter and coach their alma mater’s glee club.

With much difficulty from Sue but the support of the school board, Kurt and Rachel are finally hired as the directors of the New Directions. When Kurt meets with Blaine to ask for him back, Blaine introduces Kurt to his new boyfriend: none other than Kurt’s (unwanted) first kiss, Karofsky. Kurt is crushed. Rachel decorates her new office as she comes to terms with her fresh start back at McKinley by singing the ‘Frozen’ hit ‘Let It Go.’ Snowflakes cover the screen as newly confident Rachel posts her glee club’s sign up sheet. She smiles and the episode ends.

Last night’s second episode, ‘Homecoming,’ begins with Blaine’s return to Dalton and one big, feminine surprise. Dalton’s first female student, new cast member Jane, asks to join the Warblers. Happy for her glee club’s victory, Rachel’s high crashes as she receives this season’s first slushie-to-the-face by sassier-than-ever Becky. Blaine opens his mind to the idea of a female Warbler, but when he presents the possibility to the Warblers, their meetings erupts into madness with some hilarious homosexual innuendos. They eventually decide to let talent speak for itself and allow Jane to audition.

At McKinley, Rachel surprises Kurt with their original New Direction members: Mercedes, Santana, Brittany, Quinn, Tina, Artie, Puck and Sam. All are back to help the show choir’s new coaches recruit around school. The reunited clan shows their stuff to the students by performing A-ha’s ‘Take On Me,’ and it is spectacularly '80s themed, taking inspiration from the band’s original cartoon-imposed music video. We meet new cast member Roderick who, while contemplating auditioning for the New Directions, is scared away by Rachel’s eagerness to find new members. Blaine introduces Jane to Rachel, who gives sincere audition advice and helps her choose her audition song for the Warblers. Kurt fails to entice footballer Spencer into joining the New Directions on the notion of owing the school’s acceptance of his sexuality to the glee club’s legacy.

Back at Dalton, Jane wows Blaine and the Warblers with her high energy performance of ‘Tighrope’ by Janelle Monae as they can’t contain themselves and assist her in singing and dancing. However, the Warblers refuse to allow her entry based on tradition, and Blaine promises Jane that he will quit if she is not one of his charges. We shift to McKinley where Santana, Brittany and Quinn don their Cheerios uniforms once more and try to persuade the cheer squad to join the glee club by performing last summer’s smash ‘Problem’ by Ariana Grande featuring Iggy Azalea. The trio belt and bootyshake but fail to impress snarky cheerleader and former New Direction member Kitty and her team. Rachel, Kurt and their fellow alumni hear Roderick’s undeniably good voice coming from the library and convince him to audition for the glee club. Meanwhile, Sue unsuccessfully attempts to bribe Spencer into sabotaging the New Directions.

Roger kills his audition by singing Wilson Pickett’s version of ‘Mustang Sally’ and is immediately accepted into the glee club. Blaine, livid as ever, approaches Rachel and Kurt revealing his distaste with Jane's transfer to McKinley and her joining of the New Directions. New cast members, cheerleading twins Mason and Madison, eagerly round out the third and fourth members of the new show choir. They, along with Roderick, Jane and the alumni, sing ‘Home’ by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros as they parade around McKinley’s homecoming bonfire. The episode closes as Kurt spies Blaine and Karofsky mid-cuddle, and Rachel consoles him in the way that only a hug from your best friend can.

We are just two episodes in, and this season already proves to be a whirlwind of emotions and talent, especially with the additions of Samantha Ware (Jane) and Noah Guthrie (Roderick). The two hit the ball out of the park in their musical numbers, leaving us giddy and anxious for next Friday’s episode, which appears to include a Brittana proposal. Until next week, this is your inside Gleek signing off.

-- Rilan

Watch Rilan Perform 'Sing' With the Warblers on 'Glee'

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