Annoying Pop Star Habit: Award show nonsense, from oddball attire to egg-y entrances.

Whatever happened to just walking the red carpet in a haute couture gown, waving to fans, having your picture taken and answering a couple media questions? We'd really love to know.

In an attempt to out-do their counterparts, pop stars have taken to arriving at award shows in eggs, dressed as members of the clergy, and sporting dresses made out of the finest cuts of beef. Please, we beg of you, save the theatrics for the stage inside the event, we're looking at you Nicki Minaj and Lady Gaga.

We also feel like this goes without saying, but we can't seem to stress this point enough, leave your pets at home. Hypothetical situation: Justin Bieber arrives on the red carpet with, let's say, his pet snake in tow. If Mr. Scales gets out, it could cause mayhem on the red carpet. Oh wait, this really happened.

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