Would You Rather…Get Trapped on a Desert Island With Justin Bieber or Get Trapped on a Desert Island With Zayn Malik?
Would You Rather…Get Trapped on a Desert Island With Justin Bieber or Get Trapped on a Desert Island With Zayn Malik?
Would You Rather…Get Trapped on a Desert Island With Justin Bieber or Get Trapped on a Desert Island With Zayn Malik?
This is a classic 'Would You Rather' scenario -- getting trapped on that desert island with one of two people. This time both particular candidates, Justin Bieber and Zayn Malik, happen to be total eye candy. So who will you choose? Justin Bieber would probably provide endless entertainment on a desert island...
Alicia Keys Conquers the Big City in ‘New Day’ Video
Alicia Keys Conquers the Big City in ‘New Day’ Video
Alicia Keys Conquers the Big City in ‘New Day’ Video
Alicia Keys has declared it's a 'New Day,' so get out there and do something with yourself! The new video for the songstress' third single from her album 'Girl on Fire,' shows Keys walking down an alley like she owns all of New York City and performing some choreography with a couple of backup dancers.
Crazy Tour Rider
Crazy Tour Rider
Crazy Tour Rider
You can't be classified as a diva if you don't have any diva demands. Beyonce's diva status is certainly in NO danger now that her tour rider requests have been released on the web.

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