"Fake." That was the term Madonna's longtime publicist Liz Rosenberg used when speaking to Billboard about the leaked 2012 tour itinerary that's been circulating around the web concerning the Material Girl.

We reported on the questionable itinerary that saw Madge going global from March through July of next year and beyond. It was emailed to a Madonna fan site and was even posted on LiveNation stationery. We were skeptical about its authenticity, but did find it strange that someone would go to all the trouble of creating a fake document and on letterhead. You never know what scammers hope to gain from their tools of deception!

Rosenberg did not offer any affirmation about the Material Girl's plans to play at the Halftime Show of Super Bowl XLVI in February, either. She said "There is nothing to confirm or deny at this time."

Whatever her 2012 performance plans, Madge remains at work on her new studio album, which is expected to be released this spring. It would be prime promotion for Madge to perform at the Super Bowl and to hit the road for a world tour if she's got a new album to hawk.

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