Have you always heard that If your gasoline level is low enough to have your gas light come on and it's going to be brutally cold in the teens, single digits, and especially below zero, then you better fill up your tank so your gas doesn't freeze?

Have you ever questioned this logic, or do you just make sure your tank is above that quarter mark or at half a tank to be safe? I've lived the myth since I've forgotten to fill up on a severely chilly night with only enough gas to make it to the station a mile away.

However, I figured there has to be something to this long-standing lesson, so after some research, I discovered that, yes, gasoline can freeze, according to the News Wheel website, starting at -100ºF, so we're all good on that fear.

However, I found out that freezing in other ways is very real and true with low gasoline levels and brutally bad for your car in cold weather, especially below freezing.

According to New Wheel, cold weather can cause your low levels of gasoline molecules to break down and separate in your fuel tank forming water vapor. Any water-based moisture or condensation according to Mental Floss, the alcohol in gasoline usually absorbs that can freeze in your fuel line and cause blockages.

The more gas you have in your car, the more alcohol to absorb the water, so keeping your gasoline levels at a minimum of half a tank saves you future trouble and prolongs the life of your gas pump, too, according to Mental Floss.

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Gallery Credit: Jacklyn Krol

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