M.I.A. Claims Jay-Z Encouraged Her to Sign ‘Ridiculous’ NFL Settlement
Back in 2012, M.I.A. flashed the middle finger live during a now-infamous Super Bowl halftime show. The incident landed her a $16.6 million dollar lawsuit from the NFL, which was eventually settled in 2014 under private terms, but apparently the demands were at one point even heftier.
In an interview with Huck magazine discussing her documentary, Matangi/Maya/M.I.A, the "Freedun" singer claimed that while she was in the midst of her suit, her then-manager Jay-Z encouraged her to sign a document that would entitle the league to "keep one hundred percent of [her] earnings for the rest of [her] life if [she] ever earned more than $2 million."
“If you’re talking about racism and sexism, that moment in my life showed the cracks in everyone I knew,” she told the outlet. "The lawsuit was so ridiculous ... Jay-Z was, like, ‘You should sign that s--t’ and I was, like, ‘No.'"
Reflecting on the experience, M.I.A. said she felt it was ultimately blown out of proportion.
"A middle finger, it’s like get a f--king grip. People were like, ‘Oh you’re lucky you’re not in jail, give up all your profit, be this slave for the rest of your life," she said, but eventually stopped talking before digging herself into a bigger hole, concluding: “Oh god, I hope the NFL doesn’t sue me again for talking about it.”
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