Thirty-one years after parents battled through Christmastime toy store crowds to land original Nintendo Entertainment Systems — aka NES — their kids might be forced to follow suit.

Today (July 14), while Pokemon Go continues to captivate modern Nintendo buffs, Nintendo announced it's going nostalgic for its next big-time project — it's resurrecting the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Originally released as an 8-bit, cartridge-based platform in the United States in 1985, the smaller NES Classic Edition will come equipped with 30 games pre-loaded, so you can storm Castlevania or bobble bubbles to your heart's content.

The new, miniature NES Classic Edition (seriously, so mini it can fit in your hand), will retail for $59.99 and is set for a November 11 release date, according to a statement issued via BusinessWireThe system will come with an HDMI cable, an AC adapter and one NES Classic Controller and additional controllers will be sold separately for $9.99 apiece.

Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime said the NES-revamp is an effort to capture the magic of the company's pioneering product.

"We wanted to give fans of all ages the opportunity to revisit Nintendo’s original system and rediscover why they fell in love with Nintendo in the first place," he said. "The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition is ideal for anyone who remembers playing the NES, or who wants to pass on those nostalgic memories to the next generation of gamers."

And, so far, word is catching on, and Twitter has exploded with excited gamers.

Will you pick up an NES Classic Edition this November? Look at a full list of the games each system will include and share your thoughts on Nintendo's latest project in the comments.

-Balloon Fight
-Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
-Donkey Kong
-Donkey Kong Jr.
-Dr. Mario
-Ice Climber
-Kid Icarus
-Kirby’s Adventure
-Mario Bros.
-Punch-Out!!  Featuring Mr. Dream
-Super Mario Bros.
-Super Mario Bros. 2
-Super Mario Bros. 3
-The Legend of Zelda
-Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

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