The 41st season of NBC's long-running sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live premiered on October 3, 2015, marking Miley Cyrus' second time as both host and musical guest (the first was during season 39, episode 2 in October, 2013) and kicking off a season rife with landmark moments: from Adele's grand return to the show to Donald Trump's highly controversial hosting gig, SNL has been on top of its publicity game.

This season also saw the debut guest performances by two other major post-Disney pop princesses: Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato. But between pop contemporaries Miley, Selena, and Demi, who had the best Saturday Night Live debut? Let's compare:

Miley Cyrus

Miley made her official SNL musical guest debut on October 5, 2013 during the second episode of season 39. The season also served as her second time hosting the show, and the first time she would be both host and musical guest. She performed both her stirring Bangerz ballad "Wrecking Ball" as well as "We Can't Stop."

Demi Lovato

On October 17, 2015, during the 41st season of SNL, Demi Lovato made her music debut on an episode hosted by comedian Tracy Morgan. She performed three songs: an electrifying "Cool for the Summer"/"Confident" medley, as well as the stripped down emotional ballad "Stone Cold," all off her fifth studio album, Confident.

Selena Gomez

On January 23, 2015, Selena Gomez made her SNL musical debut, performing three songs off Revival during a season 41 episode hosted by Ronda Rousey. First, the pop princess performed a medley of "Good For You" and "Same Old Love," and later she returned to the stage for a sexy performance of "Hands To Myself."

So which former Disney darling-turned-pop-diva had the best SNL music debut? Let us know by taking the poll below. But hurry—the poll ends on January 31 at 5 PM ET!

See what these artists looked like when their first albums were released:

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