Despite her battle with addiction, Amy Winehouse refused to go to therapy to help deal with her alcohol problems, according to the Inquest conducted surrounding her death. However, Amy's doctor is insisting that she saw no signs of suicidal thoughts around the time of Winehouse's death.

Yesterday, it was revealed that Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning on July 23, and her BAC was four times the legal limit when she passed on. Even though Winehouse struggled with alcohol addiction, the singer was staying positive and attempting to get better on her own, according to her doctor of four years Christina Romete.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dr. Romete said, "She [Winehouse] was opposed to any sort of psychological therapy… She was one of the most intelligent young women I've ever met. She was very determined to do things her way, including her therapy. She had very strict views on that." Romete went on to say that Winehouse would drink, but occasionally she would have "periods of abstinence."

When Winehouse's body was discovered, there were three vodka bottles lying around her bed. Dr. Romete confirmed that she spoke with Winehouse the night before she passed away, saying that the duo conversed at 7PM and that the singer had already begun drinking at that time. "She was calm, she was coherent. She was tipsy I would say, but she didn't slur and was able to hold a full conversation," Romete said.

Although Winehouse definitely suffered from addiction, Dr. Romete says that she has no doubts in her mind that Winehouse wanted to live. She insists that Winehouse was not trying to commit suicide since the pair had openly discussed the future, including Winehouse's plans for her 28th birthday.

"Apart from the fact that she'd started drinking there was no other concern. I was not concerned that she was suicidal … She talked about future things. She said 'I have not achieved a lot of the things I wanted.' She was looking forward to the future," Dr. Romete said.

According to pathologist Suhail Baithun, Winehouse had 416 mg of alcohol per deciliter of blood in her system at the time of her death. THR reports that "the legal driving limit is 80mg" and "a level of 200mg would see an ordinary person lose control over their bodies and face injury while a level of over 350mg is associated with fatalities." Winehouse's official cause of death has been labeled as "death by misadventure."

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