He may only be 8-years-old, but little MattyB is on top of his current events. In this funny new video for 'The Royal Wedding Song,' the mini-Bieber touches on how the royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton has emotionally crippled jealous girls around the world who are searching for their own fairy tale ending.

"This might make you laugh, but it's not a spoof. Everything I rap is 100% truth," MattyB launches in, before making the claim that Twinkie sales shoot up when there's a royal wedding, because girls who dream of being a princess essentially eat their feelings.

Not only does MattyB give us his clever rhymes in the royal rap, he also shows off his sweet dance moves -- and the song's chorus is actually up-to-par with most of the pop songs on the radio.

He even offers advice to his fellow guys. "The best thing to do is is just keep quiet," he spits, adding "Don't even try it, cracking jokes / Girls worldwide just trying to cope / See, they have this dream but they just lost hope / Save yourself -- let 'em mope!"

Prince Charming may be officially out of the picture, but don't worry, ladies -- MattyB is available! ... In 10 or so years.

Watch MattyB's Royal Wedding Rap Video

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