Orange Is The New Black star Yael Stone, who portrayed Lorna Morello on the Netflix show, will be giving up her United States green card in the name of climate change.

The actress recorded a heartfelt video where she announced that she will be moving back to her native country of Australia to reduce her carbon footprint and forfeit her green card, meaning she can no longer live or work in the United States on a permanent basis. She shared that it was "unethical" to set up her life in two countries.

"The carbon emissions alone from that flying, it's unethical, it's not right," she explained. "So I will be going through the process of giving up my green card and saying goodbye to a life in America."

Stone said that she will be doing the work that she can to make a difference for the planet and that "the time is now" to make a positive impact. "This is war. And we've only got ten years, so let's make these sacrifices," she said in response to our battle with climate change.

"Let's make these changes, let's put some skin in the game and say, 'Yeah, I care and this is what I'm going to do about it.' This is just the beginning from me," she concluded.

Watch her emotional video, below.

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