Fox News Founder Roger Ailes Died: a Fair and Balanced Look at Twitter Reactions
Roger Ailes, the founder and former CEO of Fox News, has passed away at age 77. Whether you liked him or hated him, whether you're a devoted Fox News watcher or would throw the remote straight through the TV if you accidentally switched to that channel, one thing is undeniable: the man was a television titan who forever changed cable news.
Reactions to Ailes' death across Twitter ranged, as you might expect, from effusive praise to gleeful (if morbid) mockery.
First let's see what some assorted Fox News personalities had to say:
(Hannity wrote a series of follow-ups as well, which you can check out here.)
Curiously Bill O'Reilly hasn't weighed in, at least not on Twitter or his website, so as far as we're concerned he probably hasn't heard yet.
Perhaps not so curiously, Megyn Kelly also hasn't said anything publicly. Before she left for NBC, Kelly claimed that Ailes had sexually harassed her, and it was a popular rumor that she pushed Fox higher-ups to fire Ailes.
Fox's chairman, Rupert Murdoch, issued a statement:
Fox News's official Twitter linked to their story:
Fox's competitors played it pretty much straight:
Politicians and pundits also chimed in:
Nothing yet from Donald Trump, though we suppose is a bit busy these days trying to avoid impeachment.
Ailes made a lot of enemies over the years too, and lots of them weren't shy about it:
And last, God bless ClickHole:
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