Frozen -- Walt Disney Animation’s 53rd animated feature -- tells an adapted version of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen. Starring sisters and princesses Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell) and Elsa (Idina Menzel); the latter hides secret icy superpowers that keep the sisters' kingdom in an eternal winter. When she’s exposed, Elsa flees and Anna and her companions venture out to rescue her sister. The movie’s inspiring story of girl power became an overnight blockbuster success among children and adults alike. The film also brought with it a stellar score, including the infectious, Menzel-helmed song, “Let It Go” -- which in turn inspired countless covers and YouTube renditions. Frozen took home the Academy Awards for Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song for “Let It Go” -- which are only some of the awards the movie received. In 2015, it was announced Disney would make a Frozen sequel.
Related Movies: The Princess and the Frog (2009), Wreck-It Ralph (2012), Tangled (2010)
Related Artists: Kristen Bell, Mandy Moore, Lea Michele
Further Reading: What ‘Frozen’ Characters Would Look Like in Real Life, Yes! Disney Officially Confirms ‘Frozen 2, 10 More Things You Probably Don’t Know About ‘Frozen’ [Video]