Tonight’s fifth episode of NBC's hit show 'Smash,' titled 'Let's Be Bad,' started off with the minutes before the newest rehearsal of ‘Marilyn.' Director Derek (Jack Davenport) asks Karen (Katherine McPhee) to help him with a new dance number, sparking jealously in Ivy (Megan Hilty). Tensions also rise when Eileen (Anjelica Houston) demands new script pages from Tom (Christian Borle), and Ju
When the fourth episode of ‘Smash’ titled ‘The Cost of Art’ begins, Karen (Katherine McPhee) walks into the first day of workshop. The other chorus members, who all happen to be friends with Ivy (Megan Hilty), continually ostracize her. Julia (Debra Messing) is a nervous wreck when the production’s Joe DiMaggio, Michael Swift (Will Chase) arrives, due to the affair she had with him previously. Eve
In the beginning of the third episode of ‘Smash’ titled ‘Enter Mr. DiMaggio’, Ivy (Megan Hilty) is still sleeping with Derek (Jack Davenport) the director, but he treats her as more of his employee than his lover. Ivy confesses her concern to her friends that she only got the part because she slept with him.
Meanwhile Eileen (Anjelica Houston) sells her expensive jewelry, showing us that this broa
Last night’s second episode of the new hit 'Smash' followed the audition process between girl-next-door Karen (Katharine McPhee) and Broadway veteran and bombshell Ivy (Megan Hilty).