Tara Reid Storms Off Jenny McCarthy’s Radio Show After Tense Interview
Tara Reid stopped by Jenny McCarthy’s SiriusXM show on Friday (July 15) to promote her upcoming movie, Sharkando: The 4th Awakens. But things escalated quickly when McCarthy brought up topics Reid refused to discuss.
McCarthy kicked things off with a question about Reid’s part in the reality show Marriage Boot Camp, but Reid wasn’t having it.
“The whole thing is so stupid and silly and we’re not even talking about it, 'cause there are confusing things about it. Right now we’re just talking about Sharknado," Reid said. "It’s not worth the time to talk about. Babe, I asked you, please let’s not talk about this show. We’re all here about Sharknado.”
Noting the tension, McCarthy switched gears and asked Reid whether she had to change her workout routine to get in shape for Sharknado.
“It’s not like you really have to get in shape,” Reid responded tersely. “It’s Sharknado. They’re fake sharks. They’re rubber.”
McCarthy then put one final nail in the coffin when she brought up Reid’s highly-publicized relationship with plastic surgery, asking whether she had any future plans to go under the knife again.
“No, I haven’t had any surgery for a while, Jenny,” Reid said. “I think I’ve made that clear about 100 times. Maybe you only read the bad things, but I’ve made that really clear for so many years. Read what you wanna read.”
Reid quickly ended the interview, saying, “It was really nice talking to you and really, good luck with your show.”
To which McCarthy fired back, “Good luck to you too, and I’m so excited about Sharknado and I hope you stay married," before adding, "I hope your knees get a little wobblier than they already are.”
Reid then responded, “I hope you stay married, too. I’m sure he’s a nice guy…I hope your tits get even nicer, because they’re amazing. The same guy who did mine, right? I’ll always use your advice. You’re the best, bye!”
But in all her savagery, Reid didn’t have the last word. McCarthy called after Reid as she walked away, saying, “Love you, Tara. Good luck with Sharknado 18!”
Listen to the audio above if you revel in secondhand embarrassment.
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