See Adam Lambert’s Best (Mostly Black) Ensembles
Few male pop stars, if any, are as stylish as Adam Lambert, who celebrates his 32nd birthday today, Jan. 29. In honor of the big three-two, we've collected some of the former 'American Idol' competitor's best (mostly) black ensembles.
There is usually always some element of black incorporated into Lambert's outfits, and we've assembled the best attire he's rocked in recent years and some with splashes of sparkle or color. We cheated with two particular outfits that were not all-black.
The truth is this -- A. Lambs is one well-dressed and incredibly fabulous man who pays close attention to details and who accessorizes perfectly.
See his swagger below, Glamberts!
It looked like he was wearing snazzy tails... without a tux, thanks that long swath of fabric. He is a fashion rule breaker and we love him for it.
Adam Lambert
A punk rocker with silver hair and white creepers, to boot. Can we take a sec to admire that bow tie? Yeah, we can.
Adam Lambert
Okay, we're cheating here and it's our list, so we're allowed. It was still a dark hue and there was black involved in the leopard-print shirt and due to his eyeliner! The ensemb was furry and fabulous. Only someone as stylish as Glambert could pull THIS off.
Adam Lambert
He added a little zing in the form of leopard shoes and a tie. He lurves dem leopard shoes.
Adam Lambert
Blue on black (combat boots), with a little bit of texture and print. He mixed flashy and masculine and it worked. The boots made the outfit.
Adam Lambert
Simple in black with a soul patch and amber shades.
Adam Lambert
A pop of silvery, shimmery color. It's all about the details with A. Lambs. Everything is always so expertly coordinated with him and there is NEVER a hair out of place. Flaw to the less.
Adam Lambert
Those boots were made for walking. The gold cuff? We want one of those.
Adam Lambert
Cheating again, with this gray and maroon ensemble. It was too amazing to leave it off the list. Plus, his shoes were black, so...
Adam Lambert
The silver necklace, fingerless gloves and blue tips make this outfit. Oh, and those zippers? He is so flashy and splashy without being too costume-y, and it's why his look is so signature.
Adam Lambert
Showing a little chest action with that low-dipping shirt. But we lurve the necklaces, giving him a classic rocker vibe.
Adam Lambert
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