Chris Brown Death Hoax Follows His Lash Out on Twitter
It's been a busy few days for Team Breezy. Following Chris Brown's Best R&B Album Grammy win and two stellar performances, they had a lot to celebrate. However, not everyone was willing to forgive and forget. Backlash over Brown's attendance to the awards stemming from his 2009 pre-Grammy assault on Rihanna sent fans into a tizzy and even angered Brown himself, who responded over Twitter ... and then died over Twitter.Brown initially responded to his haters with a tweet that read, "HATE ALL U WANT BECUZ I GOT A GRAMMY. Now! That's the ultimate F--- OFF." The tweet has since been deleted, but screenshots last forever.
Now this morning, there's a hashtag and trending topic dedicated to Chris Brown's death: "RIP Chris Brown." While Breezy initially responded, "Cool!" that tweet -- and all others except his 15 most recent -- has been deleted. Once more, though, it lives in through a screenshot.
While we're not positive that his death hoax is related to his temperamental tweets, it does look pretty likely. It's not the first time Breezy's gotten into hot water via the microblogging site. In late 2011, Twitter fueled the ever-present rumors of a reunion with Rihanna, and he deleted his entire feed previously following an outburst at any and everyone who insisted on bringing up the assault.
On the bright side, Brown is in good company. Twitter has previously killed off Snooki and Jon Bovi -- all people who, like Brown, are gettin' paper.
UPDATE: Breezy responds to the death hoax with: "DEAR MEDIA.. Ur plan is not working.. I'm not going anywhere so get used to me." Chris, the media doesn't start death rumors, Twitter users do. We just report them.