FedEx Driver Kills ‘Anaconda-Sized’ Snake While Delivering Package: ‘Sorry About the Blood’ (VIDEO)
A FedEx driver in Nebraska went above and beyond by killing a rattlesnake on a customer's porch.
According to ABC affiliate NTV, FedEx employee Matt Govier was delivering a package when he spotted an "anaconda-sized rattler" on Christie Jones' front steps and took swift action.
Footage from the home security camera shared with NTV shows the giant snake chilling in a corner before the FedEx driver arrives.
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The snake can even be heard rattling its tail before Govier takes action using a shovel and rake from the customer's garage.
Watch the viral video below.
Warning: Animal death.
"Thank you Matt! Anyone who really knows me knows how incredibly fearful I am of any kind of snake," Jones wrote via FaceBook on Aug. 11.
Jones also revealed that her 12-year-old daughter had walked outside just 20 minutes before the prairie rattlesnake slithered its way onto her doorstep.
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Govier left a special text for the homeowner following the scary incident.
"I hope you didn’t have a pet rattlesnake at your front door because I killed him. Sorry about the blood," the FedEx driver wrote, according to Jones’ Facebook post.
Jones was very thankful the delivery driver took action, and even nominated Govier for FedEx employee of the year.
"Thank you, Matt, very much! We’re very thankful that you took care of business here," the grateful homeowner told NTV.