In a move that will certainly incite the ire of professional concert photographers, Lady Gaga -- who is arguably one of the most photographed women alive -- is demanding that all shooters surrender the copyright of photos taken of her while performing at her concerts, according to Rolling Stone.

It's ironic that the singer, whose fame began to escalate on the back of a smash single called 'Paparazzi,' would be so restrictive when it comes to photographers! It's also a move that is usually instituted by a celebrity in order to exert some control over images shot of them.

Gaga is now requiring all photographers who request to shoot her shows sign a strict release form, which states photos snapped during the show are considered her property. Such a policy ignores the fact that a photographer creates a work of art by taking the shot.

It's a bold demand, especially for a pop diva who is photographed relentlessly by the paparazzi and fans with cell phone cameras. Concert photographers are shooting in a much more controlled environment, so it is surprising that the 'Born This Way' singer is enacting a policy that is seen as detrimental to a whole sect of working class photogs snapping the Mother Monster in her most natural state: On stage.

But Gaga is not the only artist making such a demand. Both the Beastie Boys and the Foo Fighters make the same request of photographers at their concerts. What do you think about her request?

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