Lady Gaga revealed that her new album 'ARTPOP' would be a 'PROJECT' that would be in intense interactive experience and iPad friendly, designed for absorption by the digital generation. As the chatter started to develop amongst little monsters, questions poured in. So she checked in again to personally answer questions about the nature of the 'PROJECT.'

Ma Monster revealed the pricing of the app version; her knowledge that Bjork had released an album ('Biophilia') this way; and that she wants to infuse the project with positivity, which requires letting go of any of the stress and negativity that has followed her around.

It was so considerate of Gaga to weigh in and break things down for curious little monsters who were concerned that they would not have easy access to 'ARTPOP' if they are iPad-less or app illiterate.

Below is the full text of Gaga's post, unedited.

HEYLO! Good morning angels! been reading your comments/questions about ARTPOP APP and wanted to answer your questions!

1. ARTPOP APP will be available to work on computers (for example your laptops) in addition to iPads, tablets, smartphone, Android, (compatible with as many formats that this technology can function on at this time) if you have a laptop this will fully suffice you to utilize it, so do not fret! I already anticipated you would say that :) Nobody will be missing out on anything special! Nothing is different except I've giving you more stuff to play with and have fun.

2. It will not be more expensive than album. I find digital music to be overpriced (as it is not the same value as a physical copy) and this is a way to give you more.

3. Bjork (who had always been on the cutting edge) was the first artist to release her music in this way, to my knowledge. There are also other international underground musicians and business that use the APP as well to sell various products. The use of an APP as a way to sell albums, in my opinion is the future of music. I am in no way taking credit for the invention of the APP, or claiming to be the first artist to distribute music this way. An APP is "CANVAS" a medium. Like an MP3 is a medium for digital music, except I can attach a variety of sub-mediums within the APP to create a visual/interactive world for you. This world is built organically by the HAUS OF GAGA, and will be a completely unique and different experience from other music-sale based APPs because its inspired by us and the new sound of my music. However I am hoping that *god willing* the success of ARTPOPs music will propel the use of artist driven APPs further into the music industry stratosphere. Im excited to be apart of it. Ultimately the APP is unimportant if the music isn't great though right?

4. My vision for ARTPOP in general is also NOT EXCLUSIVE to the APP. That is just one element. THE ARTPOP PROJECT extends beyond the APP and there will be more surprises in the future NOT related to the APP, perhaps I did not make that clear. SORRY!!

5. I know how protective and loving you all are, especially after the last year. I respect and love you for looking out for me. I don't think I've ever made a personal request from you before but here goes…

Try to release the negativity of last year and open your hearts and minds to a more free-thinking, and happy year. ARTPOP is about POSSIBILITIES. Try not to stress or put energy into a fear that I will be attacked again. I will always be a warrior for you, and expect to be in a line of fire for the next 30 years. (I always expected/wanted to be this kind of polarizing figure) but, I want you to ENJOY THIS EXPERIENCE, don't allow fear of the media to propel you into a frenzy and steal your joy of whats to come. Please trust me. I've grown a lot this year. Lets grow together. I won't let you down.

love you cookie monsters,

Aw, she called 'em cookie monsters.

Watch the Lady Gaga 'Edge of Glory' Video

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