Another clip has been released to promote Lady Gaga's HBO special, 'Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden,' which airs Saturday, May 7 at 9PM on the premium cable network.

In the revealing, black and white clip, Gaga once again references her Catholic faith, in conversation and in a backstage segment during which she holds hands with her dancers and thanks God for her monsters and her abilities. While most religious fanatics have labeled Gaga a heathen for her repeated and liberally artistic usage of Catholic imagery in her videos, she continues to show us a sliver of the good Catholic girl she was raised as!

Gaga is as fashion-forward as ever, wearing black Chanel sunglasses, a black leather jacket with 'Born This Way' scrawled on the back, stockings, heel-less platforms and fingerless spiked gloves. She is also pants-less. Clearly, with Gaga, less is more in a literal way! When she stops by a NYC bodega to grab a coffee, she says, “I am the same person that I was six years ago. I always want a little dirt on my shoe and one more stair to climb. I always want to walk up a walk up and not have an elevator to survive.”

She also muses about her rocket ride to fame, recalling her days starting out as a creative city kid. She mentions her New York generation and says, "There was never a question that we were all going to make it as kids of the city. My faith in my creativity and artistry has nothing to do with making it. We kind of had already made it. When we were playing for nothing downtown, it was still like we made it. We still felt like we were superstars."

Gaga's determination and motivation remain at blockbusting levels and she says she always believed in herself. "I told so many people for so long that I was a superstar and I wasn't,” she recalles. "One morning I woke up and the delusion was real."

Gaga also credits God for her success, which has come in whirlwind fashion, in a very humble way, too. "How did this happen? Who created this?," Gaga asks and she's not being rhetorical. She is looking for an answer and that's when she points to a higher power, saying, "I for sure didn't. It's God. It's for sure Jesus. It ain't me because I am not ridiculous enough to think for a second that I am that powerful."

The monsters are at the root of Gaga's success and don't think for one second that she doesn't know that. "I try to live my dream in a way that inspires other people," Gaga says. "I knew it was my destiny, but I didn't know what destiny meant till I found my fans. The little Monsters are my reason for everything."

Once again, Gaga shows us why her little Monsters revere her.

Watch the Lady Gaga Promo Clip for Her HBO Special

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