Lady Gaga brings excited fans to her shows night after night, but there was one woman at the Monster Ball's recent stop in Nashville who didn't get to enjoy all of her favorite hits. 33-year-old Crystal Thornton suffered a seizure during the opening act, and by the time a paramedic reached her, her heart had stopped.

Thornton was enjoying Semi Precious Weapons with her friend Christina Tugman on Tuesday night, when suddenly, something wasn't right. "She stopped breathing, her eyes rolled back in her head, and her body started twitching," Tugman tells CNN. "I was asking if she was OK, and she wasn't responding."

By the time Vanderbilt University EMT supervisor Jerry Jones reached Thornton in section 103, it seemed to be too late. "The patient was unconscious with no heartbeat," Jones reported. Thankfully, Jones was able to get her heart up and going again using a portable automated external defibrillator.

As of yesterday, Thornton was said to be in stable condition Vanderbilt Medical Center, though that wasn't necessarily the news that she wanted to report. The Gaga fan told interviewers, "I am so mad I missed the concert."

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