Mom Covers Dining Etiquette, Chivalry and Porn in ‘Husbands in Training’ Program for Her Sons
For many parents, the ultimate reward is to watch their children mature into well-adjusted adults who contribute to their communities. While there are numerous self-help books and courses to help aid in the process, one mom decided to take matters into her own hands by creating a "Husbands in Training" program for her sons.
TikTok user Doug Weaver, a.k.a. @DougWeaverArt, says his mom had "bad experiences with men and wanted to make sure her sons grew up to be different."
Weaver is now sharing notes from his mom's "Husband's in Training" program with TikTok, and says his mom's curriculum covers everything from emotional availability to picking and choosing your battles. There's even an adult film quiz that tiptoes into appropriate pornographic behaviors.
"It was a full, like, multiple-year curriculum on how to be a better husband," Weaver says in his viral video, which has garnered over 6.4 million views.
Other topics covered in the course include eating etiquette, chivalry and the ethics of the porn industry.
"Some of it was too much," Weaver adds. "I remember one thing in particular. It was called the 'The Porn Quiz,' I think I still have it on one of my old laptops. It was a quiz about the porn industry. It was too much. But there was some really good stuff in that curriculum."
Weaver shares that the course also goes over "what to do if your spouse says something and the information that they give is wrong," as well as issues regarding consent.
"We talked about consent. We talked about the basics of respecting and honoring women and listening to women and all of the things that really just make you a decent human being."
Weaver's own dad was so impressed by the program that he decided to take his wife's course, too: "He decided that he also wanted to take 'Husbands in Training.' So then myself, my brothers and my dad were all learning how to be better men from my mom..."
Ultimately, this mother-of-the-millennium went above and beyond to share the secrets of being a good husband, even validating her students' work after completion. "My mom even made certificates," Weaver reveals, adding that she gave each of her songs a certificate on their respective wedding days.
As for Weaver's children, he says "there are parts of this curriculum that should never see the light of day, like the porn quiz, but there's a lot in it that I think I will revive to do with my son."
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