Behold the Most Ingenious #RetireASongOrBand Tweets
Good music, like wine, should age well, Sadly, that's not always the case.
Twitter was alive and alight Monday morning (Apr. 17) with the trending hashtag #RetireASongOrBand, in which some clever folks had a lot of fun tweaking the names of bands or songs to make them old.
There's really not much to it -- just a play on some words revolving around well-known artists and their hits. It's things like this that make us eternally grateful the Internet was created. How else would we possibly pass the time on a Monday morning?
Whether it's "Genie in a Bottle of Geritol" or "Broken Hips Don't Lie," Puff Granddaddy or Dead Zeppelin, there's really no shortage of fun twists on the hits and the stars who created them.
Take a look at some of the more memorable ones below.
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