Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Aunt Is Furious Over Alleged Selling of Hospice Photos
Bobbi Kristina Brown's aunt, Leolah Brown, is so angered by photos of her niece that are reportedly being sold to various media outlets that she posted an open letter on Facebook on Friday (July 3).
Shortly after Bobbi Kristina was moved to hospice care, someone has allegedly been taking photos of her in her room and offering them to different members of the media for $100,000, ET reported. News of the photos has caused an uproar amongst the Brown family, and Leolah expressed her feelings on the social media site.
"[...] I will myself if no one else does-see to it that -YOU be revealed!!!!" she wrote on the Facebook post. "Trust me! I will put the fire so far up the medias ass to reveal who they PAID for that! AND I WILL MAKE SURE THAT ANYONE WHO CAME ANYWHERE NEAR BOBBI KRISS- INCLUDING MYSELF TAKE A LIE DETECTOR TEST! OH YEAH! WE GON GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS! IT AINT OVER! EVERY ONE OF YOU ALL WILL TAKE A LIE DETECTOR TEST!! AND NOT BY YOUR PEOPLE EITHER! YOU AINT GON BE ABLE TO PAY PEOPLE OFF ON THIS ONE! YOU will not do to my niece what YOU did to Whitney!"
Not only did Leolah promise to find the photographer and bring him to justice, she also ended the letter by saying that the late Whitney Houston, Bobbi Kristina's mom, had a hand in this message.
"WHITNEY HOUSTON IS WORKING FROM THE GRAVE THRU ME! TRUST!" she wrote. "I'm on a mission to make sure my niece gets justice by ANY means necessary! And thats not a threat...(everything I do is LEGAL) ...but A PROMISE!"
The person behind the alleged images has yet to be named, but stay tuned to PopCrush for updates on this matter. And if you want to read Leolah Brown's full letter, click here.
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