Director Guy Ritchie was Mr. Madonna for eight long years. The filmmaker, who directed 'Sherlock Holmes' and 'Snatch,' split with the singer in 2008. But despite the drama that implicitly comes with being married to one of the biggest pop stars in the world, Ritchie insists that he does not regret the union, especially since it produced two children: biological son Rocco, now 11, and adopted son David, now 6.

In a chat with Details, Ritchie shared some, well, details about life with the Material Girl and he looks back upon their relationship fondly. He said, "I enjoyed my first marriage. It's definitely not something I regret. The experience was ultimately very positive. I love the kids that came out of it, and I could see no other route to take. But you move on, don’t you?"

He also shared a notion that might send his ex-wife through the roof. Ritchie said, "I stepped into a soap opera, and I lived in it for quite a long time. I’ll probably be more eloquent on it 10 years from now." That should have been no surprise, Guy! You married Madonna; you should expect drama, the paparazzi, rabid fans and intense media scrutiny. That said, Ritchie closed out his chat by saying "I'm glad I got married."

Madge hit the press circuit to promote 'W.E.,' the film she directed. While in Venice, she credited both Ritchie and her first ex-husband, actor/director Sean Penn, with encouraging her to pursue the field they are both successful in. At a press conference, she said, "I am and was attracted to very creative people which is why I married Sean Penn and Guy Ritchie, two very talented directors. They both encouraged me as a director and as a creative person to do what I did, and they were both very supportive."

Here's to hoping Ritchie's frank comments about the marriage don't cause a rift between he and Madonna.

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