Josh Krajcik Brings America ‘Together’ on ‘X Factor’
Before Josh Krajcik emerged onto the stage for his first 'X Factor' performance tonight, Nicole Scherzinger prepped the audience. "America, get ready to come together." While we can't speak for America until tomorrow's results show, it appears that at least the judges heeded her instructions.
Krajcik returned to his roots and performed the Beatles classic 'Come Together,' and he blew the roof off. His voice roared, and it was evident that the rocker was in his element.
L.A. Reid was impressed, if a bit subdued. "I rather enjoyed that," Reid said. "It's the best I've seen you in a few weeks, honestly. As far as I'm concerned, you're one of the best in the competition. The past few weeks, you went down a bit, but this week you made a return."
Paula Abdul could barely contain herself. "You have an ability to attack our souls," Abdul gushed. (Apparently that's a good thing, despite sounding pretty painful.) Abdul also made a crucial point. "The music industry is not just about 'Can you sell records?' but also 'Can you sell tickets to see you perform?'" the erstwhile group mentor said. "And I would pay any amount to see you live."
Even cantankerous Simon Cowell was on Team Krajcik tonight. "I totally agree with L.A.," Cowell said. "You come back and come back stronger. It was an honest performance." Of course, he couldn't resist taking a dig at his pretty punching bag, poor Nicole Scherzinger. "Cruella de Vil didn't give you any weird dancers this week," he said. "It would be a massive shame if you don't make finals next week."
Krajcik's mentor refuted Cowell and took the higher road. "Cruella took dancers off," she remarked, before reminding Cowell, "This is about Josh. What I love you about and appreciate about you is that you're never rehearsed," Scherzinger said. "Whenever you're onstage, something comes over you -- you're living and breathing that fire." Then Scherzinger confused everyone with a comment calling back something Cowell said in a previous episode. "Simon, you know how you said he gets that that look in his eye? That's the look of steel."
In any case, Krajcik rocked it. In the opening montage of the show, he was earnest. "It's one week from the final, and I'm going to give it everything that I have." Raw talent aside (he can't help but bring that), between the flashing lights in his backdrop, the pyrotechnics and the full backing band, it looks like Josh Krajcik kept his promise.
Watch Josh Krajcik Sing 'Come Together' on 'X Factor'
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