Today on Twitter, Redfoo and SkyBlu of LMFAO wished their Grandma a happy birthday. Not only are Redfoo and SkyBlu uncle and nephew, respectively, their grandma helped give them their namesake! According to this interview with ShaveMagazine, the Party Rockers told their grandma they wanted to be named 'Sexy Dudes' and she replied, "'Your current name makes me wanna laugh my friggin a-- off." Gotta hand it to grandma for dishing out some honesty! Fabulous was also celebrating a big day with family when he surprised his sister at her wedding in New York City. What a nice brother! tweeted a picture of himself posing with Dr. Dre and Haley Williams of Paramore declared her love for silver-fox Harrison Ford. Read what your favorite stars were chirping about today!

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