Miss Piggy Takes on Rihanna’s ‘Bitch Better Have My Money’
Before Rihanna became the ultimate pop gangster, Miss Piggy was the baddest bit — err, pig on the block. So, it only seems fitting for her to put her spin on Rihanna's "Bitch Better Have My Money."
Paying homage to the bad girls (and pigs) out there, New York Magazine's Vulture made a video showcasing Miss Piggy's best moments in its latest installment of their "Vulture Remix," piecing together clips of the many moments where the Queen Bee Muppet was taking charge of the situation. (Basically, always.) And while she loves her Kermit the Frog, it's no secret that she wears the pants in the relationship. Need proof? Look no further than the sheer amount of times Miss Piggy smacks Kermie so hard he flies to the other side of the room. What's love without tragedy?
Other great parts of the video? Solo performance bits from the past, where Piggy dons her best sparkly gown and feather boa, owning the stage like a femme fatale from the 1940s. All you need to do is look at her and know she's a badass.
Check out the "Bitch Better Have My Money" clip above and tell us what you think of this version. Did Miss Piggy do it justice? Will Rihanna be able to compete, or has she finally met her match?
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