Pink’s You+Me Release ‘Break the Cycle’ Music Video
Pink and Dallas Green have released the first music video from their collaboration album as the folk rock duo You+Me. The song, titled 'Break the Cycle,' will be featured on their debut album 'rose ave.' coming on Oct. 14.
The video has a very melancholy and stylized aesthetic to it, as it looks like it was filmed using an old 8mm camera. The blurry shots, mixed with the film scratches and yellow tone, paint a very rural and nostalgic feel.
In an interview with Huffington Post, Pink admitted that she wrote the lyrics as a love song for her mother. “It didn’t turn out to be quite the love song I thought it would be, but it’s very honest and came out to be so much more,” she remarked.
The lyrics certainly indicate a desire to relieve a burden off a loved one, with the duo harmonizing the chorus, "Let me heal the wounds you've held on to for all these years / Break the cycle / Break the chains / Cause love is louder than all your pain / Than all your pain."
Click on the video above to watch the first music video from You+Me.
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