Real Reason Police Ask These Four Questions After They Pull You Over
Our stomachs always drop when those flashing blue and red lights enter our rearview mirror. Now it's time for the questions police officers always ask.
They may feel innocent enough however they're really not according to the Media Feed website. There's a reason behind each and every question.
Do You Know Why I Pulled You Over
According to Media Feed, it's to garne a confession. It's really that simple. You know if you're speeding or rolled through a stop sign. If you truly don't know then say so. Maybe a brake light is out.
However, according to Healing Law website. police are assessing the safety of the situation and it helps them evaluate your character and body language with this question.
As of 2024, California is the only state where police can no longer ask this question.
Where Are You Coming From
Casual chit-chat is all about helping the them understand why you were speeding or ran a red light.
If you're coming from an area with lots of bars and restaurants this sets the stage for the possibility of further scrutiny. Maybe certain areas have an excess of issues or it's a holiday. They may even want to hear more from you if they suspect you're under the influence.
Also, the answer you give may not make sense which gives law enforcement officials reason to further investigate.
Is This Your Current Address
While looking at your driver's license police may ask you this question because it allows additional information in case police think this traffic stop may lead to something more than just a ticket.
This gives the police other avenues to investigate you if they think it's necessary.
Is There a Reason You're in a Hurry
This is a tricky question because an officer who pulled me over told me the reason he asked me the question was just in case I truly had an emergency that he could assist with.
However, chances are if someone really is speeding for this reason the officer wouldn't even have time to get the question out. That said, according to Media Feed, this question gets us talking and allows the officer to assess the situation further and see if the question makes us nervous.
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Who knows, maybe the person just committed a crime or is on their way to some place they don't want to admit.
More in depth questions such as 'have you been drinking,' 'may I search your car,' 'do you have any weapons in the car,' or 'where are you headed' usually mean police are suspicious of you.
Just so you know you legally don't have to answer any of these questions according to mediafeed.org. You be the judge of your situation and how it looks.
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