Rebecca Black and teamed up to launch what is, unquestionably, the best April Fools prank in the history of the holiday -- 'Friday or Die.'

Internet surfers who found their way to the cure-for-the-bored site on Friday were surprised to see that it had been taken over 100% by Rebecca Black -- the 13-year-old YouTube star whose 'Friday' video went viral for all of the wrong reasons.

The site makes hilarious spins off of her unexpected fame, calling the new holiday 'Black Friday' -- a pun on the shopping mall nightmare -- which would, in reality, be a nightmare if it were real.

Perhaps our favorite video is Black's PSA for the legal driving age, which draws attention to something that many seemed to miss in her original 'Friday' music video: Her drivers are too young to be driving.

"This sketch was funny, but one thing isn't a joke," Black urges in the 'punny' video. "I'm talking about riding in a car with a 13-year-old driver. Whether on the road, or on a windless green screen city scape, the legal driving age is 16 -- 17 in New Jersey."

She closes the video with, "I'm Rebecca Black, and we so excited ... About safety."

Rebecca Black is set to release a new single, 'LOL,' as well as a full-length album, later this year -- and that's no April Fools joke.

Watch Rebecca Black's Driving Safety PSA

Check Out the Trailer for 'Sunday Comes Afterwards' Starring Rebecca Black

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