Carly Rae Jepsen Ties Gotye’s Hot 100 Record
Good news for Carly Rae Jepsen, but not the kind that'll get her in Lady Gaga's good graces. CRJ's hit single 'Call Me Maybe' enjoyed its eighth week at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. It matches Gotye's record for longest stint at No. 1 so far this year. He nabbed that stat with 'Somebody That I Used to Know.'
If Jepsen stays at No. 1 for another week, she will break the record and enjoy the longest-running No. 1 of 2012. So close, so close!
Meanwhile, 'Good Time,' Jepsen's single with Owl City, just cruised into No. 15 on the chart, so the Top 15 is dripping with CRJ tunes right now. She's certainly asserting her dominance in the summer of 2012.
Speaking of dominance, Lady Gaga tweeted about CRJ, who recently covered Billboard, breaking one of her chart records last week. The Mother Monster warned the Canadian phenom that she is indeed coming to reclaim the throne. It was a bit of a catty display coming from Gaga, who is usually so sweet. But right now is CRJ's time and she can enjoy her chart reign. Congrats, Carly.
Slow-brewing pop diva feuds aside, Jepsen has had a banner year in 2012, with 'Call Me Maybe' being one of the most virally covered songs on the web. You can't deny a hit! There's no 'Maybe' about out.
Watch the Carly Rae Jepsen 'Call Me Maybe' Video
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