Justin Bieber Freeway Chase Update: Paparazzo Hit With Several Criminal Charges
Justin Bieber is vindicated after that dangerous freeway chase with the paparazzi in Los Angeles earlier this month. While The Biebs was hit with a ticket for driving over 80mph in his tricked out, swaggy Fisker Karma, the paparazzo that was the alleged ringleader in the chase has been slapped with multiple criminal charges and is staring down some hefty punishments.
Paul Raef, 30, is a freelance pap and may see his work flow diminish now that he has been hit with a total of four counts. Raef was driving a Toyota Ray at speeds in excess of 80mph. He was also swerving across lanes and driving on the shoulder in hot pursuit of the singer. Other motorists were forced to brake and swerve to avoid collisions. There could have been several accidents, too! While The Biebs pulled over at the request of authorities, Raef did not. He fled the scene, despite the sirens.
According to TMZ, the counts are as follows: Two counts of following another vehicle too closely and reckless driving, with intent to take photos for commercial gane; one count of reckless driving; and one count of failing to obey the lawful order of a peace officer. If convicted, Raef faces up to a year in the county jail and could be staring down $3,500 in fines.
All those counts would make us want to avoid being on the same highway as Raef.
This is the first case that has been filed under a brand, spanking new paparazzi law which labels it a crime to create a dangerous situation when trying to tail a celebrity for financial gain and profit.
The Biebs called 911 when the situation escalated to dangerous levels. A local politico who witnessed the chase also complained – loudly -- about The Biebs and his driving. The Biebs also filed harassment charges.
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