Katy Perry’s Devout Minister Parents Publicly Condemn Her Lifestyle
"When my daughter came out and sang that song, ‘I kissed a girl, and I liked it.’ I said, ‘My ministry is over.'" This is a declaration made by Katy Perry's father Keith Hudson, who is a leather-wearing, "Hallelujah!"-yelling, reformed acid-dropping hippie that now preaches his religious beliefs worldwide.
Along with her 63-year-old father, Katy's 63-year-old mom Mary Hudson -- whose maiden name is Perry -- is also a touring "prophet/evangelist" for the Life Christian Church, based just north of San Diego, Calif.
Keith Hudson, who claims he had a life-altering experience when he spoke to God 39 years ago, is constantly bringing up his daughter and her career, as well as her husband Russell Brand in his sermons, adopting "I kissed God — and I liked it!" as his tagline. "We get people all the time saying, ‘How? How, that you’re a minister all these years and you raised Katy in the church, how could she come out with a song like that?’ I look at them and I say, ‘I don’t know,'" Mr. Hudson tells the New York Post.
"But maybe you’re sitting here, you saw in the paper that Katy Perry’s parents are coming to church and you wanted to come check it out," Katy's father, who often wears large, flashy, diamond-adorned cross necklaces, continues. "Let me tell you everything is divinely ordered. There is no coincidence that you’re sitting here today. God brought you here."
Growing up, Katy Perry was not allowed to watch television, could only listen to gospel music, and was read the Bible and only the Bible. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Perry bluntly said, "I didn't have a childhood." Like many people who are raised in a strict household, Perry let loose when she hit a certain age, producing music (she had previously released a gospel album in 2001 as Katy Hudson) she always wanted to with the help of Capitol Records.
Needless to say, her breakout hit 'I Kissed a Girl' was quite a shock for her father and mother. "We cannot cut her out of our lives as she is our child," Mary Hudson once said. "But she knows we disagree strongly with what she is doing and the message she is promoting regarding homosexuality, which the Bible clearly states is a sin.”
"We must pray for our family. We all have our crosses to bear. If you have a son or a daughter that is not serving God, just stand up right now," a teary-eyed Keith Hudson pleads to his followers. "Don’t be embarrassed. Don’t be ashamed. Listen, we love them. I love Katy. I want everybody to go to heaven, but I want my family most of all. What would heaven be without them? It won’t be the same.”
While it's clear that Katy's parents are obviously big God-fearers (therefore they disprove of her career as a sexy pop princess, and probably her tight, bosom-bearing latex dresses too), it's hard to say whether they are truly sad over their daughter's rise to fame. After all, the Hudsons have been able to travel all over the world thanks to their daughter's social status (and maybe money, as well?). Not to mention that their role as Katy Perry's parents undoubtedly helps sell their books.
In other news, we bet they Keith and Mary nearly had a heart attack when they saw Katy's 'Last Friday Night' video! However, we're sure she was a bit more tame at Kathy Beth Terry's age.
Watch a Clip From One of Keith Hudson's Sermons