Learn About Katy Perry’s ‘Teenage Dream’ Clip Courtesy of ‘Pop Up Video’
Katy Perry's friends drank so much during the shooting of her 'Teenage Dream' video, they threw up on the set. That's one of the inside secrets VH1 exposes in its 'Pop Up' version of the video.
Early in the song, a bubble pops up that reads, "Katy claims she didn't have a childhood because of her strict upbringing." The entire first verse is then spent revealing just how strict, with one example after another noting how Katy wasn't allowed to do normal things: "She wasn't allowed to celebrate Valentine's Day. Or Halloween. Or 'go all the way.' Or listen to pop music. Or eat deviled eggs. Or use a Dirt Devil vacuum."
Among the other interesting tidbits we learn: The video features Perry's real high school friends, but the guy playing her boyfriend is an actor. Some of her friends got completely naked during the beach scene, creating extra work in the editing room. Also, Perry's strict parents actually showed up during filming to see the debauchery.
'Teenage Dream' was the second of a record-tying five No. 1 singles from the album of the same name. Educate yourself on Katy Perry and her hit video below.
Watch the Katy Perry 'Teenage Dream' Pop Up Video