A woman on Reddit shared a story about her unborn baby's name and drew some backlash.

In her post, she explained that one night she stayed up "thinking about when our baby is going to be a kid and what he’ll be like, and I remembered my childhood best friend, Lucas."

Lucas was her friend for ten years, and also her ex-boyfriend.

"About a month before he died, we started “dating”, as in we held hands in the hall at school and kissed a handful of times. My husband knows about him as I have fond memories with him and he’s in a lot of my childhood photos. He has never shown any disdain to me talking about Lucas," she shared.

She also added that she no longer holds onto any "romantic feelings" toward Lucas.

"I loved him, but we were not in love, just kids doing what kids do. He was my best friend and I miss him, but he is dead," she said.

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The woman decided that she liked the timelessness of the name Lucas and the idea of calling her son Luke.

However, her husband was 100% not on board with the idea.

"I suggested it and my husband hit the roof. He said me wanting to name our baby after an ex-boyfriend was gross and insulting to him as the father. He said if the baby should be named after anyone, it should be him," she revealed.

"I also said it wasn’t naming our baby after an ex, but an old friend. He’s still angry, though, and is demanding I apologize for disrespecting him as the father," she continued.

But the woman refused to apologize and said that her husband has been giving her the "cold shoulder" ever since.

Many people in the comments section agreed that the woman was in the wrong and the husband's anger was justified.

"When naming a baby it's best to agree to keep all the names of exes, even the innocuous ones, off the table because inevitably it leads to an argument," one person advised.

"How do people not know that naming your baby after any of your [exes] no matter the duration of the relationship is just a terrible idea[?] It's setting up for the baby daddy to think you would prefer that man to be the dad. It may be an irrational thought from your perspective but how would you feel if he wanted to name your daughter after his ex[?]" another person wrote.

"Yeaaah I wouldn't name the baby after a dead ex-boyfriend, weird choice. Perhaps give him his own name," someone else added.

In an update, the woman shared that she had decided to apologize and said she was never trying to "force" the name.

"If my husband says no, it’s a no," she said.

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