Mariah Carey Might Be Dropping a New Single Within Weeks
New Mariah Carey on the way? It just don't get any better.
With her New Year's Eve moment of lip sync whatever behind her, followed by a heated back-and-forth moment between manager Stella Bulochnikov and Dick Clark Productions, the Imperfect Angel is taking a break from "media moments [and] social media moments" before her All The Hits Tour with Lionel Ritchie moment kicks off in March.
But it seems something else may be simmering...and it isn't just Mimi's favorite sauce.
Showbiz 411's Roger Friedman reports that, while Stella has reportedly cut Mariah off from contact with friends (“Everything is blocked, all communication, by Stella...Stella has her phone,” a source tells Friedman — slightly alarming!), LA Reid has a different plan for the "My All" superstar.
"I hear that LA Reid and Epic Records want to release a new single by Mariah in three weeks. They’ve got it, and feel that she needs something on the radio to remind people Carey can really sing– not just lip sync," Friedman reports.
Stella, allegedly, is not down for this plan.
"Bulochnikov is battling this idea, although so far Mariah’s career has tanked under her regime. Remember 'Infinity'? Sold zero copies. And Carey hasn’t had a hit album in a long, long time." (Rude and wrong. Doesn't he know Britney Spears bought a copy and listens to it while painting topless in her art room?)
Stay alert, Lambily...and someone give Mariah back her phone.
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