Rebecca Black Receives Serious Death Threats, Police Are Investigating
Rebecca Black has been the target of some serious death threats lately. The death threats are actually so alarming in nature, that police have opened an investigation in to the matter.
According to Reuters, the threats were made back in March in response to her much talked about YouTube music video for 'Friday.' No word has broken as to what the death threats actually said, but Anaheim police spokesman Rick Martinez says, "In essence the threats were related to getting the music off the Internet or they were going to kill her."
Martinez continues, "We can't validate how serious they are, but we do take it seriously." The spokeman went on to say that the police in Anaheim were "keeping an extra eye out" for Black during this time, and that the threats were made via telephone and email to Black's production and management companies.
The source of the threats is still unknown, but Martinez assures that police are doing all they can to find out who is behind them. "We're going to investigate and determine, number one, the source of the comments and then based on the investigation determine what intent was and where we go from here," he says. "If we believe they were actually intended as threats we will work toward prosecution."
Unlike most high-profile death threat cases -- like when Selena Gomez started receiving threats via Twitter after news broke about her romance with Justin Bieber -- 13-year-old Rebecca Black's case is especially disturbing considering her age and the fact that she is not surrounded by security personnel at all times like most celebs. Seriously, 'Friday' was bad, but this is just taking it way too far.