Chatting with Australian talk show hosts Hamish & Andy, Taylor Swift created a comedic tune called 'Chaperone Dads,' about the dedicated fathers who reluctantly accompany their young daughters to see Swift in concert.

Swift told the hosts she sees chaperone dads in her audiences all the time. "Usually, they're holding the signs that their teenage daughters have made. Their daughters held the glittery signs for the first half of the show, but then they're like, 'Dad, hold this!' So they've got glitter all over their khaki pants and their plaid shirts."

She then joined Hamish & Andy for an off-the-cuff performance. "You just got off work, the last thing you wanna do is go and listen to me talk about some breakup," Swift sang in her tribute. "You're doing the right thing."

We think it would be funny if Taylor played this during one of her concerts, since she could serenade them directly in that setting. She's been having a bit of fun covering songs by local artists, like when she played Eminem's 'Lose Yourself' in Detroit, so perhaps there's room for 'Chaperone Dads' during a show as well.

Watch Taylor Swift Sing 'Chaperone Dads' with Hamish & Andy

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