Whether it's corn chips, Fritos, or even Doritos, if you have a four-legged, furry best friend, then you're familiar with that smell coming from your dog's paws.

It's not a bad smell, but why is the smell of your favorite chips emanating from your dog's paws?

I used to take it as a sign that maybe it's time to give my dog a bath. I mean, it never bothered me personally, but I figured it just happened after numerous walks and playdates in the park.

It was a veterinarian who told me most dogs have that Fritos smell coming from their cute paws when they're trying to cool down a bit.

Since dogs don't sweat, the sweat glands on the bottom of their paws, along with panting, are their method.  According to the American Kennel Club, this is with all breeds.

SInce your dog's paws naturally pick up dirt, and with a lack of airflow between their toes, according to the American Kennel Club, their fur mixed with heat and moisture breeds bacteria and yeast.

At any given time, dogs have some level of bacteria and fungi on their skin. When your dog’s paws have a bacteria called Pseudomonas and Proteus, they can give off a yeasty odor that smells similar to corn chips.

That Fritos smell is totally normal and okay. It doesn't mean our furry friend has a bacterial or fungal infection, according to the website The Farmers Dog.

Healthy dog paws can sometimes have a sort of ‘food’ smell. That can be totally normal as long as the odor isn’t extremely strong and your dog isn’t constantly licking or biting their paws. In some quantity, they’re supposed to be there.

However, when the smell of corn chips is replaced with the smell of moldy cheese, make sure you make a vet appointment because the bacteria and fungi levels have become more serious.

READ ON: Why Do Dogs Love to Sit in the Sun Even When it's 100 Degrees

LOOK: Here Are 30 Foods That Are Poisonous to Dogs

To prepare yourself for a potential incident, always keep your vet's phone number handy, along with an after-hours clinic you can call in an emergency. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center also has a hotline you can call at (888) 426-4435 for advice.

Even with all of these resources, however, the best cure for food poisoning is preventing it in the first place. To give you an idea of what human foods can be dangerous, Stacker has put together a slideshow of 30 common foods to avoid. Take a look to see if there are any that surprise you.

Gallery Credit: Rachel Cavanaugh

LOOK: Longest-living dog breeds

To find out the longest-living dog breeds, Stacker examined data from the journal Genetics and American Kennel Club's 2023 breed popularity rankings. 

Gallery Credit: Sophia June

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