A woman is upset after her boyfriend got a job at her company, doing the same thing, and makes more than she does.

"Six months ago I (27M) lost my previous job at a software company. I had enough savings to support myself while I found a new job and continued to split bills with my girlfriend of 4 years, Anna (26f)," he wrote on Reddit.

Since they previously earned the "roughly the same salary," they split the bill "50/50."

"Two months ago I got a job at Anna’s tech company, doing the same job she does on a different team. Anna has worked there for 5 years and recently got a promotion. She was initially really excited and so was I," the man recalled.

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He explained that working for the same company has been "a really positive" thing for the relationship, except when it comes to salary.

"I make just over 12k more than Anna. It’s become clear to me over the past 2 months every time we talk about budgeting and finances that she’s assuming we’re making the same amount. When I finally told her, she was very upset that I hadn't told her this before because she feels it’s unfair that we continue to split bills 50/50 if I make so much more than her," he said.

His girlfriend is also upset that they "have the same job," yet he makes more than her.

"I told her that’s not my fault and that we should keep splitting bills 50/50 because my salary is barely $1k more than hers a month and she called me an a--hole," he concluded his post.

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Users blasted the man in the comments for not telling his girlfriend about his salary.

"You didn’t think to tell her that they offered you substantially more than she was already earning? It would have given her leverage to ask for more. $1k a month is huge for the salary range you’re both in," one person wrote.

"I wouldn't treat a coworker I just tolerated like that. If they can use my salary to help them get more, that's the absolute least I can do unless I actively dislike the person and think they're bad at their job. I can't imagine letting my PARTNER not have basic critical info for salary negotiations. What a fucking a–," another user commented.

"You guys are a team. If you were working there before she got her promotion, it would have been a great heads up to let her know what she could negotiate," a third person remarked.

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Gallery Credit: Dana Getz

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