Geri Horner Explains ‘Immature’ Choice to Leave Spice Girls in 1998
It's been just shy of 20 years since Geri Horner (née Halliwell) quit the Spice Girls and left the girl-powering to the group's four remaining members. Accordingly, her hindsight has sharpened to 20/20.
In a preview of a forthcoming interview with Oprah: Where Are They Now?, Horner recalls her 1998 departure from pop music phenomenon. She's since reconciled with her former band mates and even lent her talent to a reunion project with Mel B and Emma Bunton in July, but says in the clip above that there was a time when she couldn't wait to fly the coop.
"It felt like it had grown into this huge monster, bigger than the individuals, bigger than the band itself," she explains. "Obviously there was a bit of ruction in the band, and I was thinking 'You know, I just don't want to do this anymore. It was like, ‘You’re getting on my nerves and I don’t know how to talk this through, so I’m out of here.' It was quite immature, looking back.'"
Still, Horner's demons weren't all inconsequential. Around the same time, she was battling bulimia, and in a separate Oprah interview preview posted by Entertainment Tonight, she says she often suffered in silence.
"I felt much more conscious of myself, my body weight," Halliwell says. "We all used different tools to get by, coping mechanisms. For me [it] was controlling my body weight."
"It's bloody dangerous," she adds.
Watch the clip above, and see Geri's full interview on Saturday, Aug. 27, at 10 PM EST on OWN.
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