Justin Bieber Supports Dad’s Tweets About His Penis
The recent trip that Justin Bieber took to Bora Bora has resulted in anything but relaxation for all parties involved, especially any non-Beliebers. It all started with a series of invasive nude photos of Bieber snapped by the paparazzi. Media outlets not only announced the photos, but actively encouraged everyone to feast their eyes on Bieber's penis, resulting in reported threats of legal action from Team Bieber.
Did we sleep comfortably after the photos leaked? Some more than others, assuredly.
Things got even more uncomfortable when Bieber's father got involved and tried to find humor in the situation. He tweeted: "@justinbieber what do you feed that thing. #proud daddy" and ended with a blushing face emoji. The original tweet has since been deleted, but the second one remains:
As Celebuzz! reports, Jeremy Bieber is no stranger to questionable parenting, and now he can add "not-so-humorously incestuous" to that list. (Bette Midler also did not take kindly to the tweets.)
Just when we thought we might actually be able to sleep again in the near future, Justin issued a public response to his dad's tweets on air with the Zack Sang & The Gang radio show, Just Jared reports.
Bieber seems much more cavalier about the whole situation than most, excusing his dad's tweets as "such a dad thing to say." Bieber also expressed his disbelief at how people were outraged about the tweet, asking "What dad wouldn't be proud of that?" According to Bieber it's perfectly okay for a father to compliment his son's penis, so long as his son is over the age of 11.
Everyone take note.
Justin Bieber Discusses His Nude Photos and His Dad's "Playful" Response
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