Jimmy Fallon cut his teeth as a stand-up and improv comedian before establishing himself as a hilarious, affable and adorable Saturday Night Live cast member between 1998 and 2004. During his time on SNL, Fallon became synonymous with his song parodies, charmingly breaking character and as the Weekend Update co-anchor alongside Tina Fey. After SNL, Fallon replaced Conan O’Brien as the host of NBC’s Late Night between 2009 and 2014. Fallon then took over host duties of The Tonight Show in 2014 following Jay Leno’s second and final departure. Fallon has also made a name for himself as an actor on the big screen, with appearances in several rom-coms -- including Almost Famous and Fever Pitch -- over the years.
Selected Filmography: Saturday Night Live (1998-2004), Late Night With Jimmy Fallon (2009-2014), The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (2014-Present)
Related Artists: Jimmy Kimmel, Tina Fey, Drew Barrymore
Further Reading: 5 TV Hunks Who Would Make the Best Boyfriends, Kelly Clarkson + Jimmy Fallon Sing the Best Duets Ever [Video], Jimmy Fallon and Nancy Juvonen Welcome Baby Girl