Angelina Jolie’s First-Ever Instagram Post Is an Important One
Welcome to PopCrush's Daily Break! Here's a breakdown of today's hottest pop culture and lifestyle stories as heard on PopCrush Nights, airing across the country. Check out Angelina Jolie's impactful Instagram post, why the new Jeopardy! host is stepping down so soon and more, below.
Angelina Jolie's First Instagram Post Is Meaningful and Timely
Angelina Jolie has finally joined Instagram — and her first post is an impactful one. See for yourself, below:
U.S. Office Workers Want Less Meetings
According to a new study, 90 percent of respondents believe they would benefit from having at least one less work meeting per week, as it would increase overall productivity. Due to the recent switch to online work because of the pandemic, 44 percent of employees feel burnt out on the job compared to previous years. (via Fisch Tank PR)
Study Finds People Are More Likely To Get Hired by Doing This...
Researchers have found that attractive people have more chances to improve nonverbal communication skills over the course of their lives, resulting in a higher likeliness to be hired for prospective jobs. However, researchers also found that "their less attractive peers can level the playing field during the hiring process by adopting a powerful posture." (via PHYS.org)
'Jeopardy!' Host Mike Richards Steps Down
Mike Richards, who was recently tapped to be the new host of Jeopardy!, is stepping down due to anti-Semitic comments he made on a podcast eight years ago. At the time, he also made a negative comment against his female co-host. Richards already filmed five episodes of the show before quitting, but he will remain on as executive producer. (via TMZ)
Walrus in Ireland to Receive Floating Couch
A walrus that has been sinking boats in Ireland over the past few weeks will receive a floating couch to lay on. The walrus, which has been named Wally, will be given a pontoon, where he can rest without sinking any additional boats in his quest to find a comfy place to put his fins up. (via UPI)
Nicki Minaj's Husband Wants His Name Removed From Sex Offender Registry
Nicki Minaj's husband Kenneth Perry is suing the state of New York and its Criminal Justice Services division in an attempt have his name removed from New York's Sex Offender Registry. Petty claims he never got a notice for the hearing about it back in October 2004, while he was in prison. (via TMZ)
It's Time to Sharpen Your Socializing Skills
After being locked indoors and doing remote work/attending online school for months, it is finally time to get back out and socialize. However, those skills may be a bit rusty. There are many things to avoid to make yourself more social again, such a believing no one wants to talk to you, being hard to follow and wasting someone's time. (via CNBC)
Celebrities Who Didn’t Graduate From High School
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