Ashton Kutcher Takes a Stand for New Dads Everywhere
Ashton Kutcher, new dad and undisputed king of Twitter, headed over to a different social media site to get a little something off his chest.
"There are NEVER diaper changing stations in mens public restrooms. The first public men's room that I go into that has one gets a free shout out on my FB page! #BeTheChange," the actor posted on his Facebook page on March 8.
The social-media-savvy star is clearly committed to catalyzing change — one glance at any of his accounts will tell you that. That's why this post was clearly not just words from a frustrated father who finds himself in a pinch when out alone with his baby; it's about inviting change to a deeply gendered reality of everyday life.
The father of five-month-old Wyatt Isabelle and fiancé to Mila Kunis received plenty of support in the comments of his post, with several posters speaking up to tell him about popular chain retailers and restaurants that do offer changing tables in men's restrooms.
It's really not surprising that Ashton has taken an issue with this, especially since we've already heard that he's a fantastic father. Mila gushed about his hands-on approach to parenting (especially diaper changing) during an appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show. "He's an amazing dad. I couldn't have done this all by myself. He is 100 percent present…. His whole thing is changing diapers," she said.
Ashton has returned the favor, praising Mila's parenting prowess as well. "The most amazing thing about having a baby is my partner, Mila. She's the greatest mom — I can't even! Like, I go to work every day and I come home and she's perfect. And it just seems like everything went amazing. And I know that something probably didn't go amazing, but she never complains. It's unbelievable. She's incredible," he told E! News.
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