Twitter Bans Political Ads + More
Welcome to PopCrush's Daily Break! Here's a breakdown of today's hottest pop culture and lifestyle stories as heard on PopCrush Nights, airing across the country. Check out Sleeping Myths, which Teen Mom is getting divorced and more below!
No More Politics! (On Twitter, At Least)
All political advertisements on Twitter, including those from political candidates, are being banned, according to CEO Jack Dorsey. The new policy will go into effect on November 22, so moving forward Twitter can just focus on what we all know and love: memes! (via Wired)
New Year, New Health
Attention junk food lovers: Get ready to lose some unhealthy vending machine options starting January 1. The National Automatic Merchandising Association is upping its healthy options from 24% to 33%. Don't panic, though: you can still get your Snickers and Lays chips, just with more healthier options to choose from. (via Kfox)
No-Shave November
Did you know that No-Shave November has a deeper meaning behind it? To participate, one must not shave/groom their facial hair for all of November. The purpose of the month-long mission is to increase conversation surrounding and raise awareness for cancer. In other words, the goal is to grow your awareness by embracing your hair, which many cancer patients lose. Also, don't forget to donate your monthly hair-maintenance expenses to cancer research! (via No-Shave)
Sleeping Myths Debunked
Don't get fooled by classic sleeping myths. For example, drinking alcohol before bed does not help you sleep better, but instead makes you wake up less rested. Leaving the TV on to sleep will actually keep you up longer, too. The older you get the more sleep you need, not the opposite. And yes, everybody does dream! (via Curiosity)
Not Even Barbed Wire Could Keep This Lovesick Man Away From His Convict Ex
A heart broken 18 -year-old German man broke into a prison to win back the heart of his ex-girlfriend. He used a light pole to help him clear the 13 foot wall and barbed wire keeping him from his convicted former lover. Now, the man is being investigated for trespassing and unauthorized contact with prisoners. Some people will do anything for love... (via 9News)
Teen Mom Star Splits From Husband
After much drama, Jenelle Evans has split from her husband, David Eason, after two years of marriage. Divorce papers have been filed and Eason no longer lives with Evans and her children. This comes six months after David shot and killed their family dog. (via PopCrush)
Washington Nationals Win the World Series!
The team is celebrating D.C.'s first Series trophy since 1924 after defeating the Houston Astros on October 30 in Game 7 of the World Series. The Nationals were up against incredible odds as they won five elimination games. The championship parade will be held on Saturday (November 2) in Washington, D.C. (via Washington Post)
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