Woman Wants to Wear White to Sister’s Wedding for Tragic Reason
Why would someone ask to wear her own wedding dress to another's nuptials?
In a viral Reddit thread, a bride-to-be shared the wild account of her sister's outlandish request. The bride explained that three years prior, her 36-year-old sister's fiancé passed away in a work accident just four months prior to their own wedding. The only reason that they didn't tie the knot sooner was due to money issues. The couple shared a child together and she is "understandably very upset about never having gotten to marry the love of her life."
After the Redditor got engaged, she wanted to be respectful when speaking about her wedding to her sister, however, her sister was really excited about the big day and helped plan it. "She loves weddings, and pretty clearly was interested in my wedding being similar to her own idea of a perfect wedding. I didn’t mind this, because I’m not nearly as good at this type of thing and she took my vetoes with grace," she wrote.
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Her sister then brought up the idea of her wearing the white dress that she was going to wear to get married in, to the Redditor's wedding. Surprisingly, their mother was on board with the concept.
"My mother, who’s usually very strict on traditions like not wearing white to a wedding, thought it was a great idea," she wrote. "She argued that because I’m marrying another man, no one would mistake her for the bride, and it would let my sister have the wedding experience she always wanted."
The bride believes that her sister would stand out at the wedding, as she is her maid of honor and her bridesmaid dress was going to match the suit of her fiancé's best man.
"I did do my best to be conscious of my sister’s loss. I don’t mind something to honor her fiancé, like an empty chair or a memorial table dedicated to him," she added. The bride offered her some wedding experiences including a father-daughter dance but feels as though that the "full wedding dress" is "a lot" and makes her uncomfortable.
"I feel bad for being bothered by it because a wedding isn’t nearly important to me as it is to her- I’d have been fine just getting legally married with no ceremony or anything, so I don’t know why the thought of my sister wearing what she wants upsets me," she continued. "I know my sister would accept it if I said no, but she’s so excited about the idea and she’s pretty set on never remarrying so this is probably her only opportunity to wear this dress."
When she explained her feelings to their mother and her hesitancy to let her sister wear her wedding dress, her mother "got really upset" and accused her of "being jealous and needing all of the attention."
Now, the bride is questioning if she is in the wrong. The majority of the commentors believed that she was in the right, since it is her wedding day and she is lettering her sister play a big part in the celebration.
"This is wrong no matter what kind of spin you put on it. It terrible what happened to your sister but having her ruin your wedding by wearing wedding dress is just crazy," one person wrote. Another added, "Besides the actual just wanting to hijack your wedding, you will be doing her a huge favor by not allowing it. Think about how sad everyone is going to feel for her because she's pretending to have a wedding. The pity stares and tip toeing around her will be a lot!"
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Gallery Credit: Jacklyn Krol