Sizzy Rocket Crackles and Pops on ‘Hot Summer’ Mixtape: Premiere
Sizzy Rocket crackles like a Fourth of July firecracker on Hot Summer, the Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter's surprise mixtape.
Sizzy, who toured with new wave band KITTEN in 2016, is no stranger to feminist-supercharged punk-pop. (Her neon-hued debut album, Thrills, was audacious and brash in all the best ways.)
On Hot Summer, premiering exclusively on PopCrush, the artist unloosens her punk influences from their studded collars with gleeful abandon, in turn crafting a collection of feverish, playful aggro-anthems that shimmer with an irreverent pop sheen. (Think Peaches' I Feel Cream meets Charli XCX's Sucker meets No Doubt's Rock Steady.)
On "Break Up Song," Sizzy thrashes to the beat of her own riot grrrl drum, and she revives the club-friendly electro-clash of the mid-2000s on "Teenage Boys." Meanwhile, on "Limo" and "The Weekend," the singer dabbles in the hazy R&B currently ruling the airwaves, injecting the sound with her own attitude and '80s-inspired melodies.
No song is more representative of Hot Summer's unapologetic girl power posturing, however, than "Girls to the Front," an electro-pop bop featuring a surfy guitar riff, dagger-sharp synths and references to Cyndi Lauper and Annie Oakley.
"I finally feel like myself on this tape," Sizzy shares of the release. "It's fun, punky, loud and carefree but at the end it gets vulnerable for a second. That's exactly who I am."
"Oh, and I love surprises. I think an element of surprise is crucial in order for punk to work, like not knowing if Sid Vicious was going to vomit on stage or smash his bass," she adds. "So, surprise! Here's Hot Summer. Here's me smashing my bass into a million pieces, so to speak."
Burn, baby, burn. And listen below:
Hot Summer is out July 27 via Diet Punk Records. The mixtape artwork is by Eve Del Prado for The Neo Noir.
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